Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Congrats to us, STL! :)

December 7, 2011

1:30 pm

The Speech Choir Culmination started.

We were the last to present, we all know that we can't make a perfect performance because there's no such thing as perfect but we know that we can give out our best for our last performance.
This is a big thing for all of us, we might have a tight competition but we know we can make it and we'll show those people who underestimated us that we can do it by ourselves and we are strong to face all of them.
This is the last time that we'll join the Speech Choir 
and we're thankful that we made it. We were CHAMPIONS! We were the defending ones for two consecutive years and we all thank God for that without him we won't be able to make it through. :)
Along the way before we got the prize, there were rumors, there were people who tried to bring us down, but all those things were useless. we don't need their judgments, they're not the judges, so why care about it.
After winning, i felt relieved, we felt relieved. and Today, St. Thomas made it through!
Like what our conductress told us :
"Be humble in victory"
#STL ♥